Rudi and The Stuffed Pup

Wish I’d gotten some photos….

I took the pups to PetLife in Lewiston for a little outing like we do a couple of times a week this time of the year – winter in Maine can be rather cold, and Millie’s path into the woods where she chases her ball, is not accessible right now.

Rudi noticed a stuffed dog standing in a stack of dog beds – whoa, was he ever excited or what? Dancing on his hind legs, trying to get at it; he couldn’t figure it out. It looked like a dog and it was bigger than him, but it didn’t smell like one!

Then he found another. A store staff got that one down and sat on the floor with Rudi and the stuffed dog.  Poor little Roo-Monster didn’t know what to make of it. He was so excited that he kept running up to the toy, then backing away.  (I’m so impressed that they will take the time to play with my dogs when we come in.)

Millie came over to check out what the fuss was all about. She sniffed it and decided it was boring and headed back off. (The store is small enough that I can let her off leash inside. But not Rudi. I don’t trust him.)

Anyway, it was wicked cute and the store staff and I got a big kick out of him.  


In memory of my beloved husband John K Snyder… 20 Sept 1956 – 21 Oct 2016, and all of the dogs and other critters we loved over the years.

Johnny and I were 7th grade sweethearts but broke up and after high school, had 30 year marriages to others.  Through a weird coincidence we were reunited, and after a challenging start (he had a serious industrial accident, among other things), we were married in September 2008.

As serious animal lovers and advocates – especially for dogs – we were involved in a number of animal-related events and activities that included fostering a dozen or so rescues one year, until little Rudi was hurt by a couple of rambunctious beagles (they didn’t mean to), and developed such anxiety when a new dog came home that we had to stop fostering.

Buddy, the adorable little wire-haired dachshund seen in the photos, was John’s dog.  Oh how they loved each other!  Buddy was old, and died shortly before his 15th birthday, just a few months after his Johnny did.

So instead of the five of us, it’s now just Millie, Rudi and me.  And every day we honor the memory of those we’ve loved who are gone far too soon.

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